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From the initiative of the Center for Democracy in the Americas, 94 organizations, collectives and networks from across the Americas have united our voice to make a call that demands the transformation of immigration practices and policies promoted by Mexico, the United States and Canada. This call takes advantage of the celebration in Mexico City of the North American Leaders' Summit, X CALAN Summit, which will take place in Mexico City on January 10, 2023.

We understand that in the exercise of its responsibility and in view of the seriousness of the crises in our continent that force hundreds of thousands of people to migrate and, on the other hand, the ineffective and unhumanitarian response offered by migration policies in the region, this Tenth Summit of North American Leaders offers an opportunity to incorporate into its agenda an in-depth debate on migration that focuses on the perspective of human rights, humanitarian protection and access to the right of asylum that should assist all people fleeing persecution.

Thus, the letter urges, among other elements, to:

  • Strengthen (and in many cases restore) access to asylum, especially at borders. To strengthen the systems that should guarantee it and to stop the practices of deportation and/or expulsion.

  • To create and expand complementary channels in the face of the complex reality of human mobility that seek to reduce the risks and violence that affect the most vulnerable groups.

  • To implement mechanisms along migratory routes that allow for the identification of the need for international protection.

  • Strengthen the instruments that finance humanitarian assistance along all routes.

  • Ensure the principle of non-refoulement.

  • Resolutely fight against xenophobic and discriminatory practices against the most vulnerable groups among migrants.

  • Etc.

You can access the full letter in English and Spanish.

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